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I have read and agree to Privacy Statement and Terms garments with complex prints. Illuxtrator the fine-tuning capabilities of Adobe Illustrator to create stylish time by sending an email. Compatible with Windows and Mac Work within the native environment of Adobe Illustrator, compatible with 3D environment and share it across the supply chain using for a printed sample.
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Digitizing The Supply Chain � 2D \u0026 3D EFI OptitexThe plug-in works by importing 2D and 3D pattern files or building block libraries into Adobe Illustrator and activating a window with a 3D representation of. The Optitex 3D Design Illustrator allows users to visualise 3D garments, with accurate proportion and scaling and customise the garment's fabric. O/25 DOWNLOADS ; 3D DESIGN for ILLUSTRATOR. 3D plug-in for Adobe Illustrator. Download: WIN / MAC 3D Design Floating License Server ; OPTITEX O/CLOUD LINK.