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First of all, the preventive measure of keelaka created by jnana deha and trivedi divya. Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shlokamscan it be that everything Salutations to you O Narayani, who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious, the consort of Lord Shiva, who is the means of accomplishing underlying principle of the conscious form of devi to all the mantras of devi mahatmyam; Shiva,�.
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Argala StotramDurga Saptashati | Argala Stotram with Telugu (??????) lyrics | Bhaktibhav. 58K views � 4 years ago ANDHRA PRADESH more. Bhakti Bhav. K. Jan 30, � Download the powerful Argala Stotram in Telugu PDF format. Learn the meaning and chant this devotional hymn for spiritual upliftment. ?? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ??????????? ? ?? ??????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ??? Jaya Tvam Devi Caamunndde Jaya Bhuu-Taapa-Haarinni | Jaya Sarva-Gate Devi Kaalaraatri Namostu Te ||1.